
Contact Tracing Guidelines Review Committee

Chair Review Committee:- Prof. Jane Tomnay Director Centre For Excellence In Rural Sexual Health, President - Sexual Health Society of Victoria

A/Prof Ian Woolley - Director of Monash HIV and Deputy Director of Monash Infectious Diseases, Infectious diseases specialist

Danielle Collins - HIV Nurse Practitioner, Victorian HIV Service, Department of Infections Diseases, Alfred Health

A/Prof Jason Ong - Sexual health physician Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, researcher London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Monash University.

Dr Nathan Ryder - Sexual Health Physician; Clinical Director Sexual Health for the Hunter New England region of NSW; Conjoint Senior Lecturer at The Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales and School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle; 

Joanne Perks - Nurse Practitioner and Midwife 

Dawn Casey - CEO NACCHO

Therese Postma - Director, Communicable Diseases Policy and Programs, NACCHO

Lauren Coelli - Clinical Nurse Consultant sexual health,  HIV and Related Services Program (HARP) SNSWLHD

Meredith Temple-Smith

Review Contributors

Margy Ewing - Clinical Nurse Consultant HIV partner notification NSW Sexual Health InfoLink

Dr Jane Goller - Senior Research Fellow University of Melbourne

A/Prof Darren Russell - Director of Sexual Health, Cairns Sexual Health Service, and James Cook University, QLD

Dr David Baker - GP and a Director of East Sydney Doctors

A/Prof Catriona Bradshaw - Sexual health physician, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre; Associate Professor, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Central Clinical School, Monash University and the School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne

Dr Richard Teague - GP Melbourne

Prof Deborah Bateson - Medical Director Family Planning NSW; Clinical Associate Professorship in the Discipline of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Neonatology at The University of Sydney and Adjunct Professorships at the Centre for Social Research in Health at UNSW, Sydney and in the Faculty of Health, UTS, Sydney

Dr Chris Lehoh -  Infectious Diseases Physician, Head of Unit, General Internal Medicine at Western Health

Melanie Walker - CEO AVIL

Jules Kim - CEO Scarlet Alliance

Marian Bloomfield - Clinical Nurse Consultant Justice Health

Camilla Lobo - Justice Health

Heath Paynter - Deputy CEO, Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, Sydney, NSW

Laura Tazia - Senior Research Fellow in Domestic Violence from the University of Melbourne

Cherie Bennet - Clinical Nurse Specialist (Sexual Health), Medical Educator, Manager Global Health Program Kirby Institute

Alexandra Stratigos - Principal Solicitor  HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) Sydney

Teddy Cook – Manager, Trans & Gender Diverse Health Equity, ACON, Sydney, NSW

Karen Seager - Resources Special Projects Manager ASHM



Page last updated September 2022